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A Bioriddle

Who was this man? So bold and so brave, 

Destroying tyranny, how many lives did he save? 


He loved two children and a wife, 

A crew with whom he risked his life, 


He read encoded transmissions, 

Flew 36 dangerous missions, 


On occasions he saved the aircrew, 

But there is no I in team he knew, 


A life truly full of dark and light, 

He wed, he loved, faced many plights, 


The indescribable feelings he felt, 

The acidic smoke that he smelt, 


He was terribly scared at times of course, 

But he felt it was his duty to tap out Morse, 


After the war an accountant he became,  

Had a family and accomplished his aim, 


However, by far Tony’s most admirable achievement, 

Was fighting a war and not needing lifesaving treatment,  


Who was this man to rise above the rest, 

Tony Adams the best of the best.   

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